Roots, Rock, Country, Swing, Whatever
Gunsmoke and Cheap Perfume is a fusion of all of our backgrounds.
What comes out is a unique blend of all of our influences.
Dave Glick
Dave comes from the rock end of our sound.
Dave has played in bands his whole life, starting in high school. He also comes from a record producer and engineer background.
In Gunsmoke, Dave plays the Telecaster and sings.
David McKittrick
Dave is a pretty flexible guitarist. You wouldn’t know it from how easily he plays all the different kinds of music in Gunsmoke, but Dave’s real love on the guitar is jazz. The rest of us just aren’t good enough to play it.
Jesse Aronson
Russ Ottaviano
Russ seems to always find the perfect thing to play to hold each song together. Everyone in the band has played with great drummers and Russ is as good as it gets.
John Nicholas
Not that we aren’t really famous, but John was a member of Quicksilver Messenger Service as well as many other bands. Besides being a great bass player, John also sings with us.